
This article describes the options available in the 'Job reference' tab of the job wizard. Please note that any instructions which appear at the top of this tab may have been customized for your organization.  

This article includes:

Reference code

This is a unique reference code assigned to the job.

Depending on your organisation's requirements and configuration:

  • It may be either automatically generated when the job is created (and you may/may not be allowed to edit the code).
  • OR you may be required to enter a code before you are able to create a job (which may be alphanumeric, or numeric-only depending on your site configuration).

Base ad code

The base ad code field will only be visible (below the 'Reference code' field) if this feature has been enabled for your site.

This feature is used when instead of the 'Reference code', the organization wants to use a different code for advertising the job.  If this feature is enabled, the base ad code field:

  • Is available to enter a short unique code for the job,
  • Is always editable if visible,
  • Can only be numeric,
  • Can be used by candidates to search for the job on your careers site,
  • Is used as part of the Application URL for automated job board postings (e.g Seek),
  • Is used instead of the 'Reference code' (above) when generating advertisement codes for media from the JOB \ Advertise \ Build advertisement text menu.

TIP:  By default, the Reference code will still appear in the job details section of the job advertisement on your careers site.  During configuration, your organization can specify that the base ad code should be used instead of, or in addition to, the Reference code.

Select job template

Your organization may choose to use job templates. 

New job

Any job created from a template will have some information pre-populated based on the selected template (you can still review and edit as applicable to your specific role).  Selecting a job template may be optional, or you may be required to select a template when creating a job (if the permission 'Templates are mandatory' has been granted to you). 

To apply a template to a new job: 

  1. If you have made changes to the Reference code information in this tab, please save your changes before attempting to apply a template.

  2. Select the template name from the drop-down list. 

  3. Click the 'CREATE' button, all of the information from the template will be applied to your new job. 

  4. You will automatically move to the next tab in the job wizard. 
  5. Review/update all of the information populated by the template within the job wizard, and complete any other job information required. 

Existing job

If you have made changes to the Reference code information in this tab, please save your changes before attempting to apply a template.  To apply a template to an existing job:

  1. Select the template name from the drop-down list.
  2. Click the 'APPLY' button.
  3. You will now be asked to select which details of the job you wish to overwrite with information from the template.  The information which can be populated from a template (in order of template application):
  4. When you have completed your selections, click the 'APPLY' button to apply the information immediately to your job.  
  5. You will return to the 'Job reference' tab, and your changes from the template will have been applied and saved (you do not need to use the save buttons).

TIP:  When manager users apply a template to an existing job, they are not asked to confirm which selections should be applied, the default selections for your site are applied.  If required, please contact Client Success to discuss your organisation's default settings.

Templates available to you

The templates available to you may have been filtered so that you are only shown a sub-set of templates that are relevant to your user account.  This template filtering is a site setting that your organization may have chosen to configure (if no template filtering is configured, all templates will be shown).

If enabled it works by:

  1. Using the job-related category that your organization selected as the filter (e.g. Business group category or Location category).
  2. For each user account, assign a value for the filter category (e.g. a business group of 'Accounting', or a Location of 'Auckland' etc.).
  3. SnapHire then filters the templates available so that only those templates that match the value set for your user account are visible.  Please note that if your user account does not have a value set for the template filter category, you will only see templates that also do not have a value set for the relevant filter category.

TIP:  As part of the configuration, your organization specifies the template matching process to be used. The options are combinations of asking SnapHire to match 'up' and/or 'down' the category tree branches and values.  Here is an example filtering templates on the Location category, where the user has the Location value of 'South Island':

  • Up the tree:  means that the matching values are 'South Island' (selected value) and 'New Zealand'.  Please note that 'North Island' and 'Australia' are not a match because 'South Island' is not a sub-value of either of these (i.e. they are different branches).
  • Down the tree: means that the matching values are 'South Island' (selected value), as well as all of the sub-values of the branch - 'Blenheim', 'Christchurch', 'Dunedin', 'Invercargill', 'Nelson' and 'Queenstown'.

Make this job a template

If you have been granted the permission 'Can mark jobs as templates', you will see the option to make this job available as a template.  Only users who have been granted this permission will see this option when creating or editing a job:

If this option is selected, the job will become available as a template (and be available in the 'Select job template' drop-down selection list).

To make managing your templates as easy as possible, we recommend that:

  • You create a new job to be your template instead of marking a real job as a template.  This means you can edit the specially created template job without impacting the reporting of real jobs.  Please never open/advertise this template job.
  • You leave your template jobs in the status of 'Draft' or 'Archived'. Archived jobs can easily be excluded from reporting.
  • You understand what information will be applied for managers applying templates to existing jobs.


  • If you have been granted the permission 'Can search for template jobs' you will easily be able to find only the templates jobs within the 'Jobs' tab.  These options become available:
    • Use the Jobs tab \ 'View' drop-down option called 'My template jobs' to find jobs (with any status) associated with your user account that are marked as templates.
    • Use Jobs tab \ Refine this search \ '+ that have other job details: Only show jobs that are marked as template', along with other search criteria to widen your results (e.g. to find templates associated with other users, of a certain status etc.).
    • Please note that if you have not been granted this permission you can still find template jobs - if your search criteria matches the template job, your results will include any matching jobs.
  • When viewing the job details information, under the heading 'Status' you will find information to let you know if the job is currently marked as a template or not: