
This article describes the options available in the 'Title & key details' tab of the job wizard. Please note that any instructions which appear at the top of this tab may have been customized for your organization.  This article includes:

Job Title

This is the title for the job which will appear in the job lists and job details that you, and other users, see when working in SnapHire.  The job title is also seen on your careers site for advertising purposes, and may be referenced in associated email messages sent from SnapHire (e.g. application acknowledgement emails).

If you have been granted the permission 'Can edit job title', you will be able to amend the job title text:

Otherwise you will see the job title, but will not be able to amend it:

TIP:  If no job title is entered:
  1. When viewing the job (in job list / job detail view), the job title will display as '[No title]'.  
  2. The 'Title & key details' tab of the job wizard will be considered incomplete - learn more about incomplete tabs in the job wizard in the 'Job wizard - overview & navigation' article.

Appended job information

Your organization may automatically append other job information to the job title when displaying job information to you/other users, and for advertising the job on the careers site.  This may be useful for job seekers if your organization makes multiple hires for one job in SnapHire, or many jobs with the same job title, or location etc.  

There are two types of information which can be appended to the job title:
  1. Category information (e.g. Location, Work type etc).
    1. Example 1:  Your organization has chosen to display jobs as 'Job Title – Location'.  You have a job with the job title of 'Receptionist', and with the value of 'North Shore' selected in the Location category. This would mean the job would appear as 'Receptionist – North Shore' to you/other users when viewing job lists/details in SnapHire, and to job seekers viewing the job on your careers site.
    2. Example 2: Your organization has chosen to display jobs as 'Job Title : Work Type'.  You have a job with the job title of 'Receptionist', and with the value of 'Part time' selected in the Work Type category.  This would mean the job would appear as 'Receptionist : Part time' to you/other users when viewing job lists/details in SnapHire, and to job seekers viewing the job on your careers site.
  2. The number of positions that are being hired against one job in SnapHire.  For example:  
    • Your organization has chosen to display jobs with multiple positions open as 'Job Title x NumberOfPositions'.
    • You have a job called 'Software Test Analyst'.  In the job wizard, you have entered '10' into the ''Positions open' field (which tab this field appears, if at all, depends on your site configuration).  
    • This would mean the job would appear as 'Software Test Analyst x 10' to you/other users when viewing the job lists/details in SnapHire, and to job seekers viewing the job on your careers site.  In addition, the 'Positions yet to fill:' information in the status section of the job details will now show '10'.  
    • When an application has progressed to a bucket which has been configured as 'Terminal filled' (that is, applications in this bucket are no longer active, and they have filled the position) then the '10' would display as '9' in the appended job information and in the 'Positions yet to fill' details.  These buckets are generally on the far right, and have bold labels (e.g. 'Hired').  Please contact Support if you need more information about the bucket configuration on your site.

TIP:  The separator between the job title and the number of positions varies depending on your site configuration.

Application method


The application method dictates how job seekers can apply for a job. If you have been granted the permission 'Can edit application method', you will be able to set/edit selections for the application method within the job wizard, otherwise you will see the selections but you will not be able to edit them.  

Please note that when SnapHire is used with the Talent App Store enabled, the application method is controlled by the buttons you make visible in SwitchGear, so the Application Method described in this section is not relevant, nor visible in the 'Title & key details tab'.  

This section includes 

  1. Viewing application method information
  2. 'online, at this site' option
  3. 'online, at another website' option
  4. '(no online application)' option

Viewing application method information

You can view / change the Application method information in the:
  1. Title & key details tab of the job wizard:


  2. Status section of the job details page:


'Online, at this site' option

This option will be selected by default for new jobs (unless otherwise specified by a template applied to the job).


This option allows job seekers to apply online at your organizations careers site. When this option is selected, further options will be visible: 

Apply with SnapHire application wizard

  • This option will be selected by default.  
    • If selected, when the job is open and visible on your careers site, the regular SnapHire 'Apply' button will be available.  
    • If the job seeker uses this button, they will be taken through the SnapHire application wizard configured for your careers site. 

Apply with LinkedIn

  • This option will only be visible if the 'Apply with LinkedIn' button feature has been configured for your careers site.
    • If configured, this option will not be selected by default, or via the application of a template.
    • If selected, when the job is open and visible on your careers site, job seekers will see the 'Apply with LinkedIn' button on the job advertisement (to the right of the regular SnapHire 'Apply' button if that is also visible).
    • Any job seeker who clicks on the 'Apply with LinkedIn' button will have their application submitted using their LinkedIn profile information and will not be taken through the SnapHire application wizard configured for your careers site.
    • Please note that if you select this option, you will not be able to the save your changes to the 'Title & key details' tab of the job wizard if the job is not associated with a workflow that has been enabled to 'Allow jobs to have the Apply with LinkedIn button turned on'.

'Online, at another web site' option

This option will not be selected by default, but may be specified by a template applied to the job. 


Select this option to allow job seekers to apply online at another website you specify.  Typically this option is used where you want to advertise the position on your organizations careers site, but direct job seekers to apply via another site (e.g. a specialist agency/website etc.). When this option is selected, further information is required:  

  • Enter the URL of the web site you wish to direct job seekers to (this information will not be populated via the application of a template).  
    • Use the 'Go to this URL' link to test that you have entered the URL correctly.  
    • When the job is open and visible on your careers site, job seekers will see the 'Apply' button.   
    • If the job seeker uses this button, a new browser tab/window will open (so the job seeker still has your careers site available to them in the original tab/window) and they will be taken to the URL specified.

'No online application' option

Select this option to display a job advertisement on your careers site to which job seekers cannot apply. 


Typically these adverts are notifications of events such as open days for anyone interested, or other special events. As this job advertisement will not include any apply button options, please ensure your advert text includes the appropriate information to instruct job seekers what you require them to do. 

Job families/workflow selections

'Job families' is the behind the scenes term SnapHire uses for other selections available on this tab of the job wizard, which are required by your organization to further define the job.  These special selections control which menu options can be seen/used with applications being processed for the job.  As the term 'Job families' may not be relevant to, or mean something different in your organization, it will probably not appear within this tab of the job wizard - instead you will see information which has been defined by your organization.  For example:

Your organization may have any number of job families (or none at all).

If you have:

  • Been granted the permission 'Can edit job families', you will be able to set/edit selections.  For each job family, a drop down selection box will appear with instructions – please complete as appropriate to your job.
  • Not been granted the permission 'Can edit job families', you will be able to see the selections for the job, but you will not be able to edit them.

TIP:  One of the job families will also determine the 'workflow' that will be used for the job - this setting is required for all jobs, including template jobs.  The workflow determines which application buckets and menu options will be available when processing applications against this job.  The options for this selection will have '- WORKFLOW NAME' after the name of the job family selections.  In this example 'Standard' or 'Volume':

Please note that once a job has been opened for applications, there are some restrictions on changing to another workflow.  Please read/follow the online instructions, or contact our Client Success Team for assistance on hello@aotal.com.