If you have been granted the permission 'Can view and edit questions tab', this tab will be available. Any instructions which appear at the top of this tab may have been tailored for your organisation. Use this tab to manage the job-specific questions that are asked of candidates during their application process.
This article includes:
- About job application questions
- Question summary information
- Question maintenance
- Additional display columns
- Minimum score settings
- Question test links
About job application questions
This tab includes the 'Application' questions which are used to gather information from candidates about their suitability for this specific job. These application questions are asked (after Registration questions defined by your organisation) of the candidate if/when they are completing the SnapHire application form on your careers site. You can use this tab to review and alter the application questions to make them more specific to the job.
The application questions on your job are populated in one of the following ways:
- When a new job is created, not from a template, the default job application questions defined by your organisation are applied. For information on how to update these, please read the 'Manage default job questions' article.
- When a new job is created from a template, the questions from the template are applied.
- When an existing job has a template applied to it, there is the option to replace the existing questions on the job with those from the template.
Any changes you make in this tab will not impact any other job (unless the job you are editing is a template job – refer to 'Make this job a template' in the 'Job wizard - Job reference tab' article.
Question summary information
When you arrive in the questions tab, the current job application questions for the job are visible as blue links (one for each question).
You can click on a question link to review the question details, make other changes to the question setup if required, or delete the question. When you click on the link you are taken to the question maintenance screen (refer to 'Question maintenance' later in this article).
Question types
Each application question may be processed as one of three types - Comment, Knockout or Scoring. These question types are described in the 'Question Maintenance' section later in this article. When viewing the question summary, to the right of the question heading links you will see a ✓ to indicate which processing type has been set for the question.
Visibility types
Each application question may be asked of one or many audiences, therefore visibility can be set to Internal, External and/or Agency candidates. When a candidate signs into the careers site, their marking will determine if it is appropriate to ask them the question. When viewing the question summary, to the right of the question heading links you will see a ✓ to indicate the current visibility settings for the question.
Question order
The order of the questions that appear in this tab indicates the order in which they will be asked of the candidate. Use the 'Edit' button to reorder the questions. Click on the dots () to the left of the question name, drag and drop it into the new order position. Click 'Save' to save your changes or 'Cancel' to go back to the main screen.
New questions
The 'Add new question' button, directly below the question heading links, allows you to create a new question and takes you to the question maintenance screen (refer to 'Question maintenance' below).
Question maintenance
When you click on an existing question heading link, or the 'Add new question' button, the question maintenance screen will open. On the left-hand side you will see the various questions formats available, and on the right-hand side the setting details of the question you are working in.
The information shown will vary depending on the question format you have selected, and will include a description of the question format, the question 'Heading', 'Question text', any answer options applicable to the question format, any processing options applicable to the question format, and any specific instructions relating to the question format. It is very important that you read all of the onscreen information and instructions when creating or editing a question.
The various options available in the question maintenance screens are detailed below, with a dedicated section for Soundbite question types (this information should be reviewed prior to attempting to set up Soundbite questions).
Enter/edit the heading for the question.
Please ensure that this heading label is:
- Meaningful to candidates.
- Kept short so that it displays nicely to candidates visiting your careers site. In addition, a short meaningful label will also be helpful if the question is included in a bucket view (as it will be visible to Recruiter/Manager users as the column heading for the answers), or in reporting.
- Unique within the job application questions setup for the job.
- Different from any label used in your site's Registration question or Category names – this will ensure no confusion with data matching if any APIs are used with your site. For example; don’t use the heading of 'Location' if you have a category on your site called 'Location', instead you could use an alternative such as 'Job location info'.
Question text
Enter/edit the question text (you can use HTML tags if required). When the question is asked, this information is displayed directly under the question heading.
You should ensure you provide any information that the candidate will need to understand/answer the question.
TIP: Regarding the Video upload question type. If using this question type, we recommend that you provide very specific question text for candidates or they may find it difficult to generate a file within the allowed video limitations (e.g. an iPhone can record a video in the correct file format but even a recording a few seconds long will exceed the default maximum file size):
- This question type allows candidates to upload a video in response to your question, and the uploaded video can be played directly from SnapHire.
- The default video limitations for this question type are; compatible file types of mp4 or flv; with a maximum file is size 2mb. If the candidate submits a video that meets these specifications it can be uploaded to / played back directly from SnapHire.
- Your site may have been configured to allow other video file formats – if so, these can be uploaded by the candidate into SnapHire, but to playback you will need to download and use them elsewhere.
- Your site may have been configured to allow larger video file sizes to be uploaded, but this may impact on your site performance.
Mandatory setting
This option is available for all question formats except 'Comment' which does not require an answer from the candidate.
If you select this option, then any candidate who is asked this question must answer it in order to submit their application.
General settings
Some question types have unique setting options. They are:
Document upload
This question format has an 'Allow text input' option:

If selected (default), the candidate will be able to upload an existing document in answer to the question (e.g. a cover letter), or type a document directly into the box provided.
If this option is not selected, the candidate may only upload an existing file.
Image upload
This question type has an additional option available, that relates to the image dimensions that are allowed to be uploaded in response to the question.

By default the 'Fixed dimensions' box will be unticked and any dimensions will be allowed. If you select the 'Fixed dimensions' box, you can determine the size the image will be stored as when uploaded (you specify width/height pixels).
This question format is a way of adding additional content to your page where no answer is expected from the candidate, or to insert a new tab into the SnapHire application form that the candidate completes. If you have a lot of job application questions, separating them into several smaller tabs (rather than one big long tab) can be easier for candidates to complete. In addition, as candidates can save any completed tab as part of a draft application, it is easier for them to save information they’ve completed so far.
This question format has a 'New section' option:
- If selected, when you save the question a new tab is created and the question heading you enter will appear as the tab name. If necessary, move the new tab you’ve created to the correct location in the question order. Please note that the question will not appear as a new tab until there is another question after it.
- If not selected (default), when you save the question, it will simply appear as text in the existing tab. The candidate is not required to respond to the question.
TIP: Use the question test links to see how the application questions, and any new tabs you have created, appear to the candidate.
Visibility settings
For all questions, please check/select who the question will be visible to (i.e. who the audience is):

By default, new questions will be asked of Internal and External candidates, but not applications submitted by Agency users (on behalf of a candidate).
Question type processing settings
Each application question is set to be one of three question types – Comment, Knockout or Scoring. Comment is the default setting for all question formats, and has no additional processing settings (so no processing information is displayed for these question types).
If you choose one of these question types: | Then these are the processing settings available: |
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Comment (default)
This question type is for information capture only and is not used for automated screening. The information gathered to review later.
This question type means that the candidate must answer the question with an answer that has been set as correct, or they will be screened out. For each answer option you add, you’ll be required to specify its correctness (please read the onscreen instructions as 'correct' settings vary depending on the question type selected). When the completed job application has been submitted, if any of the knockout questions have been answered incorrectly, the knockout processing is applied immediately.
Knockout processing is defined by your organization, but some typical examples are:
- Knockout moves the application to the 'Screened out' bucket, and then sends an automatic decline email to the candidate immediately (or overnight).
- Knockout simply moves the application to the 'Decline later' bucket. When appropriate, the Recruiter/Manager user manually raises an action to send a decline email to the candidate and move the application to the 'Screened out' bucket.
Please ensure you follow the online prompts and instructions when setting up knockout questions, and test your questions before opening the job for applications.
- The screening out processing defined by your organization may be detailed in the instructions at the top of the Questions tab within the job wizard.
- Your organization may have chosen to have internal candidates 'always screened in'. Where this occurs even if the internal candidate does not meet the minimum score you have defined here on your job, they will not be screened out.
This question type is actually made up of two methods of scoring - 'Scoring' and 'Sum scoring' (which is only available for the Multi-choice question types). Both methods of scoring are used to attribute a number (points/score) to questions depending on the answer chosen. These scores assist you in viewing the applications in order of best to worst score, and also allow for automatic screening out if a minimum score you define for the application is not met (this is optional – refer to Minimum score settings later in this article.
'Scoring' questions allow you to specify the number of points to add to the total application score if a correct answer is chosen. No points are added/subtracted for an incorrect answer. For each answer option you add, you’ll be required to specify its correctness (please read the onscreen instructions as 'correct' settings vary depending on the question type selected). When the completed job application has been submitted, the points the question is worth are added to the total application score if a correct answer was chosen.
'Sum scoring' questions allow you to specify, for each individual answer option, the number of points to be allocated to the total application score if that answer is chosen. Negative points can also be allocated (i.e. for an incorrect answer). For each answer option you add, you’ll be required to specify the number of points (positive, zero or negative) that should be allocated to the total application score. When the completed job application has been submitted the scoring is applied, and the applicable points are added to, or subtracted from, the total application score. For example;
- Answer A is a great answer - if chosen 5 points are allocated.
- Answer B is an ok answer, answer A would have been a better choice - if chosen 2 points are allocated.
- Answer C is a neutral answer - if chosen 0 points are allocated.
- Answer D is incorrect – if chosen -2 points are allocated (i.e. 2 points are subtracted).
- Answer D is incorrect, and is a terrible choice – if chosen -5 points are allocated (i.e. 5 points are subtracted).
Please ensure you follow the online prompts and instructions when setting up scoring questions, and test your questions before opening the job for applications.
Deleting a question
If you change your mind about a question you are creating, simply click 'Cancel' to exit the question maintenance screen without saving your changes (and return to the Question tab).
To delete an existing question:
- Click on the question heading link (to enter the question maintenance screen).
- Then click the 'Delete' button:
- If the question has:
- Not been used and therefore has no existing answers (i.e. no candidate has answered it), then no confirmation is required and the question is deleted.
- Been used, and has existing answers (i.e. at least one candidate has answered it), you will be asked to confirm the deletion. If you click OK, the question is deleted:
TIP: If you delete a job application question that has been used and answered, the answer information will still be available in the application details for the candidates who had answered it.
Soundbite questions
Soundbite questions allow you to ask candidates to record a short voice message, using any phone, as part of their application. Onscreen they are shown a set of phone numbers to choose from and a numeric access code. Once they have called their preferred number, and entered the access code, they will hear a message that you record against the question. They can then record their message in answer to your question.
The candidate needs to make the call while they are connected to the internet and without leaving the question page, otherwise, their unique access code is lost.
TIP: There are no additional costs to you for using Soundbite questions. As candidates will need to call one of the supplied numbers, normal call rates will apply to them.
To set up a Soundbite question:
- In the Questions tab, click 'Add new question'.
- Select the question type of 'Soundbite'.
- Provide a suitable heading (e.g. 'Now we’d like you to call us…').
- Provide instructions in the question text (e.g. 'Please call us and tell us why you want to work with us, and why you think you are the best candidate for the role.').
- Set/check the visibility options
- Click Save. This will create the question and return you to the Questions tab.
- If necessary, move the new question you’ve created to the correct location in the question order
Record your Soundbite prompt
Now that your Soundbite question has been created and is correctly positioned, you need to record the audio prompt that candidates hear after they call the phone number and enter their access code. The process you follow to record the prompt is a similar process to the one that candidates follow to leave a message to answer a Soundbite question:
- In the question summary list you’ll see '…(click here to record prompt)' to the right of your Soundbite question heading:
- Click on the link and a new window will appear with instructions on how to record the prompt.
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the prompt recording:
TIP: An example of the message you might like to record is: 'Thank you for applying for a role at ABC Company. Please tell us in 30 seconds or less why you want to work with us and why you think you are the best candidate for the job. You will get a chance to listen to your message and rerecord it if you need to. Thank you.'
Additional display columns
This section of the question tab allows you to check the default views that have been set for each bucket, and amend the information shown in the bucket view for this job. This feature only allows you to add in job application question and assessment related (if applicable) information.

Setting the bucket views now could save you a lot of time when reviewing applications later. Any changes you make will only impact this job. To amend:
- Click on the 'Manage bucket views' link, a new tab/window will open.
- On the left you will see a list of buckets that relate to the job workflow.
- Across the top you will see the bucket views in use, with 'X's to indicate which view is currently associated with each bucket.
- Click on the name of the bucket view you wish to edit.
- Add/remove job application questions and assessment related (if applicable) information to/from the bucket view for this job.
TIP: To have other types of information (e.g. other application information) added to the default bucket view for your organisation, you will need to use the self-service Manage bucket view screen – please read the Manage bucket views article for more information.
Minimum score settings
This section of the questions tab is always visible but is only applicable if you have one or more scoring questions set up for your job.
If you have scoring questions, you may decide to use this feature to compare the candidates total score across all questions on the job to the minimum score you define here. You can define a minimum score for external candidates, and a minimum score for internal candidates. Any candidate who scores less than the applicable minimum score is automatically screened out (knockout).
- The screening out processing defined by your organization may be detailed in the instructions at the top of the Questions tab within the job wizard.
- Your organization may have chosen to have internal candidates 'always screened in'. Where this occurs even if the internal candidate does not meet the minimum score you have defined here on your job, they will not be screened out.
Question test links
This section of the questions tab provides you with three links to test your job application questions as an external, internal or agency candidate.

- When you click on the link, a new browser tab/window will open with the job advertisement visible.
- Directly above the 'Apply' button you will see a confirmation of the audience you are viewing this question as:
- Click on the 'Apply' button and the SnapHire application form will launch for you to complete the form like a candidate would.
- Complete the tabs available to test the candidate experience:
- At the beginning of the SnapHire application form are the Registration questions configured for your site, applicable to your job and the type of candidate experience you are testing. By default, all of these questions will appear together on a tab called 'General questions', but your organization may have defined another name for this tab, and/or split these questions into multiple tabs.
- Directly after the registration questions, are the job application questions that are applicable to the type of candidate experience you are testing. By default, all of your job questions will appear together on the tab called 'Job specific questions', but you may have additional tabs created as part of your default job application question setup, created as part of a template applied to your job, or created because you wish to separate a large number of job application questions over several tabs.
- The last tab in the SnapHire application form is called the 'Scoring summary' – this tab only appears when you are using these test links, it is not seen by real candidates applying to your job. Use this tab during the testing process to see a detailed breakdown of the score for the job application based on the answers you provided as part of your test.