
This article describes the contents of the version 8440 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from 9th December 2015.  This article includes the following:

Account tab changes  

With this version you'll notice some great improvements to the layout of your Account tab, as well as adding a new option called "Default job saved search":

This new option allows you to choose the job saved search which is used by default when you click on the "Jobs" tab.  Learn more...


New feature to save refined job searches

In this version we've added a great new feature that, in the Jobs tab, allows you to save the results of refining your search criteria:

Please note that this new feature includes four new permissions - on your upgrade to version 8440 only the permission "Can refine job searches" will be:

  • automatically granted to your users, and
  • added to the group of permissions which are "granted by default" as/when new users are created. 
By automatically granting this permission, users continue to be able to search for jobs as they did in the previous version.  Learn more...

New feature to delete job seekers

In this version we've added a new basic feature for deleting individual job seekers:

As this action is a permanent deletion, this new feature is only available to users granted the new permission "can delete job seekers".  On your upgrade to version 8440:

  • The new permission will not be automatically granted to your users, or added to the group of permissions which are "granted by default" as/when new users are created.  
  • The menu option will not be automatically added to your site.

Also please note, as this action is a permanent deletion which cannot be undone: 

  1. The Support team are not permitted to delete job seekers on your behalf.
  2. It is recommended that this activity is only undertaken by key members of your team.
Before attempting to use this feature, please ensure you have reviewed all of the information about this feature.  Learn more...

Document Generator update

We've enhanced the way documents generated by the Document Generator can be emailed from SnapHire.  Previously these documents could only be sent as attachments to the email, now the email action can be setup so that the recipient can either be sent the attachment, or a link to the document held within SnapHire (the recipient needs to login to SnapHire, if not already logged in, to view the document):

We now recommend that the link method is used by default, because of the added security to accessing the document.  If your site has existing email actions that send documents generated by Document Generator, and you'd like to change them to the new default link method, please contact Support.

Freshdesk incorporated into SnapHire

In this version there are two new Freshdesk related features available.  Please note that these new features includes two new permissions - on your upgrade to version 8440 neither of these permissions will be:
  • automatically granted to your users, or
  • added to the group of permissions which are "granted by default" as/when new users are created. 

1. "Remote access to Freshdesk" feature

"Remote access to Freshdesk" feature available directly from within the Support tab of SnapHire:

This allows users (granted specific permissions) to access content within Freshdesk directly from SnapHire.  Learn more...

2. "Log ticket" Freshdesk tab 

"Log ticket" Freshdesk tab feature available for some organizations directly from within SnapHire:  

This allows users (granted a specific permission) to log tickets with our Support team directly from SnapHire.  Learn more...

Integrated job board posting changes

General changes

  • We've fixed an issue which was experienced if your job advertisement included invisible characters (e.g. &nbsp - non-breaking spaces).  Previously SnapHire wasn't able to recognize these characters, and stopped the job advertisement posting.
  • With this version, you can now edit a job board posting to a fully integrated job board (Seek / Trademe) and change the classification and location without assistance from Support, or charges incurred.
  • With this version we've also prepared SnapHire to fully integrate with the Adzuna ( job board.  More information about the Adzuna job board integration will be announced soon.

Trademe only changes

  • With this version, you can now include a youtube video in your Trademe job board posting.  Please note that at this time you cannot edit the video once it has been posted.  To include your video, include the youtube video key in the new "You tube video id " field which appears at the bottom of the posting screen:

  • We've fixed a small grammatical error that the Trademe job board posting screen (in relation to the "General management" field).

Seek only changes

  • We've enhanced the Seek job board posting screen with regards to the selection of the "Company" field. Now, if configured, no default company is presented to the user, and instead they are forced to make a selection:

    Please contact our Support team if this is a feature you wish to utilize.

  • We're improved the Seek job board posting screen with regards to the position description preview of the advertisement.  This preview now displays any formatting  (e.g. bullets, bold text etc) instead of the html markings:

Other changes

  1. In the Support tab, if your SnapHire site is using the default SnapHire Support tab content, we've updated the email address in the "SnapHire support inquiries in New Zealand, Australia and other regions outside the USA" section from to  If your site has customized content for this tab, you may like to check if the email address is included in it, and if so update it to
  2. We've fixed an issue which was experienced by some users when creating/editing multi-selection job application questions, where the question had a long list of answer options.  The issue was the bottom answer options were not always visible:

  3. For organizations who use the Employee Referral feature:  We've fixed an issue where jobs which were ineligible for referral, showed the job seeker referrer that a successful referral was made (if a person they referred applied):

  4. For organizations who use both the Recruiter "Teams" and "Pipeline" jobs features together:  We've fixed an issue where a Recruiter could create a child job from another teams Pipeline parent job (even though they couldn't access the parent job).
  5. For organizations who use the assessment provider Talegent:  There is now the ability to send a custom job category field (e.g. a cost center if you have that setup as a job category on your site) though to the Talegent assessment integration.  Please contact our Support team if this is a feature you wish to utilize.
  6. For organizations who use the "Always screen out" job seeker marking/function:  In this release, we've updated the icon which appears to the left of the job seeker name in list view.  This means that both the icon before and after the job seeker name are a red x:
  7. Before


Updated error messages

In this version:
  1. If an unexpected error is experienced when using SnapHire, the email address to report the information to has changed to  Learn more...
  2. If a page not found error occurs (because the person has attempted to access a page on the careers site which does not exist), a static error message page has been added for a better user experience (instead of displaying broken JSP page errors).  Learn more...
  3. If a bad credential / unauthorized (e.g. wrong login information) error occurs, a static error page has been added for a better experience (instead of displaying broken JSP page errors).  Learn more...  

Administration changes

In this release we've also made some administration changes.  These won't impact you directly, but we thought you might like to know about them just the same:

  1. To improve the security of information stored in your site, in this release we've moved the storage location of Soundbite recordings (voice recordings in answer to Soundbite questions asked of job seekers).
  2. In version 8431 we upgraded the Apache Tomcat software, this upgrade caused an issue with the Seek SAE API and Apply with LinkedIn Button API.  This issue had a temporary fix (patch) applied to ensure the APIs continued to work.  In this version, the fix is permanently incorporated.
  3. We've updated the information our Virtual Phone (SMS) feature uses to ensure it recognizes all "known" mobile prefixes.  We do this regularly as new number ranges are continually made available to the public by mobile network providers.
  4. In this version we introduce a new system logs search feature for our Support team.  This tool means that the support team are more quickly able to respond to requests in relation to when, and by whom, specific activities were carried out.
  5. When administrators create new actions in your site configuration setup, they are able to delete an action which is never used (e.g. two new actions are created but only one is ultimately required, the unwanted action can be deleted). There was an issue where the administration users could not delete these unwanted (and never used) actions, this has been fixed in this release.
  6. The configuration screen used by administration users to maintain the default job questions on your site had a grammatical error, this has been corrected in this release.
  7. In this version we introduce integration with the new Manager Node platform. Manager Node is a tool used by Aotal operation staff to automate upgrades, perform site maintenance, and manage database operations. Manager Node represents Aotal's ongoing commitment to refining the tools and processes used to manage client assets and deliver quicker turn around on client requests.
  8. In this version we introduce a new API_Code column for all SnapHire data fields. This new column is not utilized at this time, but in the future it will be used to store configuration information to improve integration compatibility.  This column allows SnapHire to easily integrate with any APIs it needs to produce.
  9. This version includes an upgrade to the Select2 Javascript (JQuery Plugin) tool, which we use in SnapHire to display single selection and multi-selection data fields.