
Tags can only be seen, and therefore removed, by Recruiter users.


To remove a tag(s) from a single candidate:

  1. Select the candidate you would like to remove a tag(s) from.  
  2. From the Candidate menu select Tagging, and then choose either Private tags or Team tags:
  3. Depending on your selection, the 'Team tags' or 'Private tags' screen will appear:

  4. Click on the 'x' next to the tag you wish to remove.

  5. Click 'Submit' to remove the tag.

To remove a tag(s) from multiple candidates:

  1. Select the candidates you would like to remove a tag(s) from.  
  2. From the Candidate menu select Tagging, and then choose either Private tags or Team tags
  3. Choose 'Remove tags from all selected candidates and select the name of the tag you wish to remove':
  4. Click 'Submit' to remove the tag.

TIP:  Tags are self-managing, when a tag is no longer applied to any candidate, the tag label is removed from your site.