
A value set is a group of values that can be referenced in questions. For example, to provide a predefined list of reasons for withdrawal. Value sets can be referenced by multiple questions so that a single list of values needs to be maintained.

Managing your organisation's value sets

To create or edit your organisation's value sets, you need the permission 'Can manage value sets'. 

We recommend only giving this permission to one or two key admin users within your organisation. A user in your organisation with the 'Manage users' ability can grant you the permission above.

Once granted the 'Manage value sets' section becomes available in the System configuration section of the Configuration hub. Use the 'Admin' tab to find the Configuration hub.

When you click on the 'Manage value sets' option, you will be presented with all of the existing value sets on your SnapHire site (use the 'Hide inactive value sets toggle to include/exclude inactive value sets). 


The name of the value set. This is not visible to users or candidates, but is used by the Client Success team to link the value set to a question(s).

IMPORTANT: Please refrain from editing value sets with "DOCGEN - DO NOT EDIT" or "INTEGRATION" in the name as they are linked to Document Generator and Integrations respectively, and edits could impact or even break these areas. Please contact the Client Success team for more information.


A short code to uniquely identify the value set. This is not visible to users or candidates. 


The active vs inactive status of the value set. Only active value sets are available to the Client Success team to link to questions.


The values associated with the value set. Only active values are presented as an option to users and candidates for question(s).