
This article describes the contents of the version 8530 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from 23rd January 2020.


This release includes:

  • Performance enhancements and improvements
  • General bug fixing

Performance enhancements and improvements

In this version, we introduced important enhancements in the session management and database connection logic for SnapHire. 

Some other changes introduced by this version are:

  • The resume-to-text conversion has been reworked to improve its performance and accept more document formats
  • When managing registration and/or default job questions, now sections are marked with a label 'section' to facilitate its identification

Figure 1. Sections in registration and default job questions are now identified with a label

General bug fixing

  • Date and time displayed incorrectly for iCal when multiple candidates were selected to send appointment email
  • Pipeline jobs can now be closed when there are not any active candidates. Previously, candidates moved down to child jobs still active would prevent the parent job from being closed
  • When managing views, searching for fields would only display the first result. Now all matching results will display
  • Non-standard characters and Māori macrons could prevent users from accessing uploaded documents. These characters are now fully supported for document content and document file names.
  • When managing email templates, some users experienced issues when adding email addresses to the CC list
  • When specifying trusted users on behalf of managers, the list of users displayed in a separate window would show an error message