This article provides information about working with appointment slots. Including:
- Appointment slots widget
- Viewing appointment slots
- Creating appointment slots
- Editing an appointment slot
- Deleting an appointment slot
- Printing information about appointment slots
Appointment slots widget
Use the Appointment slots widget on the Job Details page to manage the appointment slots for your job, or print a list of upcoming appointments. Click on the name of the applicable appointment type to launch the calendar view and manage its appointment slots.

The widget will also display warnings if you have already invited applicants to appointments, but there are now not enough spaces for all the invited people to book into. This typically occurs because you have either deleted some appointment slots or because since the invites were sent the day/time of some slots has either passed or is not far enough out to meet the minimum 'notice period' defined by your organisation for the appointment type.
Instead of having to return to this widget to manage your appointment slots, SnapHire will also provide you with a quick link to manage slots from workflow actions you are trying to take. For example, if you are trying to email an invite to an applicant but there are not enough free slots currently set up, you will be presented with a manage slots link to quickly launch the calendar.

Viewing appointment slots
In the calendar view you will see all appointment slots for all appointment types relating to your job (e.g. 1st interview and 2nd interview if both use appointment booker). The slots relating to the appointment type you are currently working with will show in green; and other appointment types for your job in blue. When viewing an appointment slot only summary information is displayed, hover over the slot to see more detailed information.
Creating appointment slots
Before sending out invites, you first need to create appointment slots for the applicants to select from. Launch the calendar from the Appointment slots widget, and then double-click on the day/time you want to add slots for, or click on the add slots button in the top left corner.

The appointment slots modal will appear for you to complete the slot details. Follow the onscreen instructions, and then when complete click Save to add the appointment slots. The defaults that appear have been defined by your organisation.
Please note that the Appointment Booker modal:
- Will not allow you to add a slot for a start date/time that will not provide applicants with the minimum 'Notice required (hours)' for the appointment type, as determined by your organisation.
- Will not display the 'specified location' section if the appointment type has been defined by your organisation as one that does not require a location (e.g. Phone interview).
- Will not display the 'another location' section (to type in a unique location for your slot) unless the appointment type has been defined by your organisation as one that allows this.
TIP: Take care when adding slots in bulk – remember that once created the slots will not be linked, therefore if you need to edit or delete them, you’ll have to do each one independently.
Editing an appointment slot
You can edit an existing appointment slot via the calendar view. Before editing, please note that:
- Slots created in bulk are not linked once they are created; this means that individual slots can be edited independently of other slots that were created at the same time.
- Editing is only permitted if the slot has not been booked by an applicant.
- Appointment Booker will not allow you to change the slot's start date/time to a time that will not provide applicants with the minimum 'Notice required (hours)' for the appointment type, as determined by your organisation.
To edit an appointment slot, double-click on the slot in the calendar view, and then change the required settings. When complete, click Save.
Deleting an appointment slot
You can delete an existing appointment slot via the calendar view.
To delete an appointment slot, double-click on the slot to view its details and then click Delete. Please note that Appointment Booker will not allow you to delete an appointment slot if there are appointments booked into it - cancel any appointments before proceeding.
Printing information about appointment slots
If required, you can print an appointment list of your related slots. Please refer to Printing an appointment list article.