You can check on your Bulk Printing reports being generated at any time or access your completed reports by clicking on the Bulk Print Results option from the top of the Action menu. Please note that this will only appear if you have in-progress / completed reports to view.

The Bulk Printing screen will show only print requests associated with your account profile.
For each request, you will see the job name, job reference, and bucket selected along with its status. The status can be one of the following:
- 'In queue' - the request is in the queue waiting be run.
- 'Running' - the request is currently being processed. You will also be able see its progress (e.g. Progress 1 of 10) on-screen. While your request is in progress you can view more information about where it is up to by selecting 'View logs' from the drop-down Action menu, and then checking the 'PDF Document log' section. This section shows the candidates who have been processed, and those still pending.
- 'Completed' - the request has been completed. Use the Actions drop-down menu to:
- 'View output as PDF document' (this will download the report as a PDF).
- 'View logs' to review the report generation process (if required).
- 'Delete' to delete the report - you will be asked to confirm the deletion.
- 'Error' if an error has occurred generating the report. Please get in touch with us at [email protected] if you require assistance.
Please note that every time you access your Bulk Print Generator reports, all of the print jobs you have stored will refresh from the server – ensure quick access to your reports by deleting old print jobs that you no longer require.
- The generator puts a blank page between each candidate in the report - this is so that if it is printed double-sided etc, no page would have two different candidates on it.
- When processing, the generator ignores certain files types (e.g. ZIP, EXE, JPG, GIF, TAR, PNG, XLS.) and continues with bulk print requests (that is, treats it like there was no file). The bulk print generator configuration of allowed file types should match the file types or organisation allows to be uploaded by candidates.
- If at any time a request in the Bulk Print screen shows a 'Server Error - there is a problem getting status from the server' message, this simply means that SnapHire couldn’t get an update on that request right at the moment that you clicked. Either click on the Bulk Printing Results link on the left-hand menu again or refresh your Internet browser page and the request should become available.