
Many actions you take in SnapHire have a 'Plan for later' tab available at the top of the screen.  You can use this feature to set yourself a reminder to conduct this action at a later time (e.g. a phone screen or reference check):

'Plan for later' tab

When you click the 'Plan for later' tab:

  1. An 'Add this to my calendar, to be completed on' field will appear at the top of your form:
  2. This field will default to 'As soon as possible' - leave as is, or choose 'By a particular date' and specify the date/time the action is due:
  3. A 'Subject' field will appear at the bottom of your form - this is the subject you will see in your SnapHire calendar (Home tab) when the items are due.  The subject will default to the name of the action you have raised.  Amend as appropriate for your reminder:
  4. Click 'Ok'.
  5. If you select 'as soon as possible, you will see the item immediately in your Dashboard tab 'Overview' list, otherwise, it will appear on the date/time it is due.