
If you have been granted the permission 'Manage staffing agencies', you will be able to manage staffing agency contracts using the configuration hub 'Manage agencies' section, accessed via the 'Admin' option under the 'More' drop-down menu. 

Sourcing agencies cannot be asked to assist with a job unless there is an active contract in place.  Therefore you need to ensure that there is at least one contract for the agency (you might require two contracts if you have different fee arrangements for permanent placements and contractors etc).  These contracts are also useful for reporting purposes.

Manage contracts

To manage agency staffing (sourcing) contracts:

  1. Click on the 'Admin' option available under the 'More' drop-down to see the configuration hub 'Manage agencies' section. The configured agencies for your site will be displayed in alphabetical order.
  2. Locate the agency you want to work with (if it is not there, you will need to create it - refer to Manage agencies).
  3. Select the agency to view the related contracts (if any).
  4. Check if the contract you want to work with already exists.  If not, create a new contract for the agency by clicking on 'Add new contract'.
  5. Add the applicable contract details.
  6. Click SAVE.

TIP:  Agencies cannot be asked to assist with a job unless there is a related active sourcing agency user (refer to Manage agency users).