
This article is relevant if you are placing any external advertising (in addition to what appears on your careers site) that is not organised directly from SnapHire.  For example; not via an integrated job board; a job board app; an integrated media partner etc.

This article includes:

Why do I need to bother?

When organising advertising directly from SnapHire, the specific 'job link' (online) or 'job ad code' (offline) for the applicable job and media are included as part of the process.  If you are advertising in addition to these methods it is important that you include the specific 'job link' (online) or 'job ad code' (offline) for the applicable job/media you are advertising through.

Using these references ensures any candidate registrations or applications generated from this advertisement are attributed to the correct source and enables you to evaluate your advertising effectiveness.  It also means that when the candidate:

  • Clicks on the job link (online) you have inserted into your advertising, are taken directly to the job on your careers site.

  • Sees/hears about the job ad code (offline) and visits your careers site, they can easily search for the job using the code advertised.

What are the elements of a 'job link'?

For your information, job links (Online) are made up of:

  1. The standard advertising link for your careers site. For example:  http://yourcompany.com/?job=
  2. The job code.  For example:  1234
  3. The media code for the advertising you are using.  For example:  HJ – Herald Jobs Website

These three items together make up the job link for advertising.  For example: http://yourcompany.com/?job=1234HJ

TIP:  You don't have to remember this information, SnapHire generates the job link for you.  Refer to 'Obtaining the job link and/or job ad code' below.

What are the elements of the a 'job ad code'?

For your information, job ad codes (Offline) are made up of:

  1. The job code.  For example:  1234
  2. The media code for the advertising you are using.  For example:  NZH – NZ Herald

These two items together make up the job code for advertising.  For example 1234NZH

TIP:  You don't have to remember this information, SnapHire generates the job link for you.  Refer to 'Obtaining the job link and/or job ad code' below.

Obtaining the job link and/or job ad code

With the job selected:

  1. Choose JOB \ Advertise \ Build advertisement text (note that the menu path may be different for your organisations configuration):
  2. A list of all active media codes will appear as menu options.  

    • This list includes advertising tracking codes that are not visible to candidates when they are asked “Where did you hear about …”.

    • Offline media is displayed first, then online media.

    • The length of this list and the information included in it will depend on your organisation's advertising tracking code setup.

    • Click on the media you require, the applicable information will appear (If the media you require is not available, users with the permission 'Manage job board' can use the Manage advertising tracking codes self-service functionality to add new codes).

  3. Copy the 'Job link' for online advertising, or the 'Job ad code' for offline advertising.

  4. Click <Back to ... to exit.

TIP:  If required, you can provide a link to candidates to direct them to your careers site with a specific source, but it isn’t for a specific job.  There are various links available to do this, the most basic is to append ?source=XX to your careers site URL (changing XX to the media code you want to track as the source). For example;  http://yourcompany.com/?source=CP

An example of how you might use this is:

  • You had the media code CP “Corporate website” added to your site.
  • You create this link as described above.
  • You ask your corporate web team to change the “Careers” links/buttons from your corporate site to your SnapHire careers site to use this new link.
  • Any candidates who click through from the corporate site and register will have the candidate source of “Corporate website”.
  • If the candidate applies for any jobs while they are in that session, the application source is also set as “Corporate website”.