
This article describes the changes and/or features available within SnapHire when the Talent App Store is enabled for the site.  These changes are available for all SnapHire sites running on version 8453 or later.  This articles contains information about:

Impacts for all types of people accessing your site


The information in this section relates to all types of people accessing your site.

Sign in options

If using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled, when a person signs in, they are presented with all of the sign in options (identity apps such as Sign in with email, Sign in with Facebook, Sign in with LinkedIn etc) your organization has decided to install for that type of person (these are called principal types and the available options are Candidate, User, Agency).

If your site is only using the email identity app for a principal type, the person is not asked to choose which identity provider they would like to use - they are simply taken straight to the sign in email/password option.

Global sign out behaviour

If using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled, there is a change in the sign out behaviour which you need to understand.

When you have signed in to SnapHire you will also have been automatically signed into the Talent App Store, and you may also be signed in to various apps depending on your site configuration and the activities you are performing.  If you sign out of any (i.e. out of an an App, the Talent App Store, or your SnapHire site) you will automatically be signed out of all instances - i.e. out of SnapHire, the Talent App Store and any apps you were signed into.

TIP:  If you have more than the 'Sign in with email' identity app installed for a principal type, the person signing in sees a reminder message 'If you are using a public computer we suggest you sign out of all instances of your account (including the account source e.g. www.facebook.com) before leaving'. This is because even though they may sign out of SnapHire, the person will still be signed into the identity provider - if someone else came and used the computer they could potentially continue to use the previous persons account.  The only way to prevent this is to ensure the person actually signs out of their session with that identity provider before leaving the public computer.  For more information about installing identity provider apps, please review these articles.

Impacts for users working in the /recruiter site


The information in this section is in addition to that detailed in the 'Impacts for all types of people accessing your site' section (above).

Changes to application methods for jobs

  • When using SnapHire, the user sets/views application method information (how job seekers can apply for a job) in the 'Title & key details' tab of the job wizard, and the 'Status' section of the job details page.  Learn more ... 
  • When using SnapHire version with the Talent App Store enabled, the application methods are controlled by the SwitchGear app and the users sets/views the information via the SwitchGear option on the job details page.  This means that the SnapHire Application method information is not visible to users in the Title & key details tab of the job wizard or in the status section of the job details page (see below).

Viewing SwitchGear within SnapHire

When using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled, the SwitchGear app is automatically installed and is required to control the buttons which appear on job adverts (amongst other things).

Apps tab

From the Apps navigation tab within SnapHire, the SwitchGear app can be seen in the 'Other' category.

Job details page

How the SwitchGear button is displayed on the job details page depends on the configuration for your site.  Within the right-hand side of the job details page it can be displayed as either:

  1. A SwitchGear panel (an interactive iframe) which sits above the widgets available on the job.  This panel gives access to the SwitchGear settings directly from the job details page.
  2. A SwitchGear button within a new 'Apps' widget (at the top of all of the widgets list visible on the job). When the user clicks on the SwitchGear button, a new tab opens giving access to the SwitchGear settings.  Your organization must use this option if you cannot use iframes due to session restrictions.  

Applying on behalf of a job seeker

If a Recruiter user is applying to a job on behalf of a job seeker (i.e. using the JOB SEEKER \ Other \ Login as job seeker, and then applying to a job) they will be presented with the pop-up SnapHire application wizard whether the Talent App Store is enabled or not.

Auto provisioning of Recruiter user accounts for Aotal team

If using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled, there is an auto provisioning feature which will automatically create a new recruiter user account on your site for each Aotal team member accessing your site to support you, or work on related projects etc (previously they all shared one account 'SnapHire Recruiter' with the email address support@snaphire.com).  This means that you will see one or more Recruiter accounts on your site with the email addresses xx@aotal.com (e.g. jane.smith@aotal.com).  For more information, please contact Support.

Impacts for job seekers visiting your careers site


The information in this section is in addition to that detailed in the 'Impacts for all types of people accessing your site' section (above).

Registration wizard and Application wizard

The way the SnapHire registration wizard and application wizard are presented to job seekers changes slightly if your organization enables the Talent App Store:

  • When using SnapHire without the Talent App Store enabled, job seekers continue to be directed to the pop-up SnapHire registration wizard (to complete personal details, profile information etc) and to the pop-up SnapHire application wizard (to complete and submit their application).
  • When using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled:
    • Where the registration process is utilizing the SnapHire registration wizard (i.e. not using an app to registration details) job seekers are directed to a flat (i.e. doesn't pop-up) SnapHire registration wizard to complete their personal details, profile information etc.
    • Where the workflow/job is utilizing the SnapHire application wizard (i.e. not using an app to handle applications) job seekers are directed to a flat (i.e. doesn't pop-up) SnapHire application wizard to complete and submit their applications.

TIP:  A Recruiter user applying to a job on behalf of a job seeker (i.e. they have used JOB SEEKER \ Other \ Login as job seeker, and then applied to a job), or an Agency user submitting an application on behalf of a job seeker (i.e. they have signed in via the AGENCY SIGN IN button on the careers site) will be presented with the pop-up SnapHire application wizard whether the Talent App Store is enabled or not.

Impacts for agency users visiting your careers site


The information in this section is in addition to that details in the 'Impacts for all types of people accessing your site' section (above).

Applying on behalf of a job seeker

If an Agency user is applying to a job on behalf of a job seeker (i.e. using the AGENCY SIGN IN button on the careers site, then working on behalf of a job seeker and applying to a job) they will be presented with the pop-up SnapHire application wizard whether the Talent App Store is enabled or not.